• info@lakshyaenterprise.co.in
  • GST NO: 24AAJFL9205B1ZN

What We Do?

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Get Right Solution for Your Business

    We, a developing business, LAKSHYA ENTERPRISE is listed with the Register of Companies.

    Our main line of business is:

    • Exploitation & upkeep Passive infrastructure expert Project Management Services For The Telecom And Power Sector .
    • Civil Constructions
    • OFC Networks Laying & Maintenance.
    • Solar
    • Security & Manpower Supply

    We place a lot of emphasis on the telecom and electricity sectors because they are now among the industries in the nation that are growing the quickest without being impacted by the current recession. We are considering the huge reach of the Telecomm & Power industry, which is still being unexplored with the kind of expanding population, as many new players enter it.

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